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Publishing Overview
Laura Avery avatar
Written by Laura Avery
Updated over a week ago

After you’ve built your call sheet, you’re ready to send it out.  In SetHero, this is called publishing your call sheet.  

Tutorial video:

Here is a quick outline of the process you’ll go through when publishing a call sheet.

  1. Select Recipients - Select which cast / crew members you’d like to send the call sheet to.

  2. Message Settings - Choose if you want to send your call sheet via email, text message, or both.  You can add a custom message to the email, choose whether or not to attach the call sheet PDF to the email, and can also attach additional documents to the email (such as PDF maps). You’ll also be able to preview what the email and text messages will look like.

  3. Review and Publish - In this final step of the publishing process, you’ll see an overview of the publish settings so you can make sure everything looks correct.  If it does, hit the “publish” button and your call sheet will be generated and sent out!

After publishing, your team members will get emails / texts.  Both the emails and texts will ask the recipient to follow a link to view and confirm their call time.  This will take them to a mobile summary of the call sheet where they will see the basic information of the call sheet relevant to them and be asked to confirm their personal call time.  They can also access the call sheet PDF and any other attachments from this page.

You can also see who has viewed the online call sheet and who has confirmed their call time.

If you need to make changes to a call sheet after you published it, no worries!  It’s easy to make revisions and then republish the call sheet.

Contact us if you have any questions about how to publish your call sheet!

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